Old Rip Van Winkle 10 Years Old

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Old Rip Van Winkle 10 Years Old

Unread postby gillmang » Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:15 am

I thought I'd open a separate topic here to make some more extended remarks on this bottling than the Bourbon Reviews section allows.

This bottle was bought last Fall and by various indicators seems to have been filled in 2011. I'd think therefore it was a Bernheim distillation.

When first broached not long after purchase I found it outstanding, creamy and elegant with rich flavours, albeit still evidently a wheater meaning less complex and with a briefer finish than rye bourbons.

However, at about 1/3rd left in the bottle, it seemed not as good when tasted last night, a little coarse and fiery. This is one of the mysteries of bourbon (indeed any spirit). Some will diminish over time, and some seemingly get better. And yes some will not change.

Certainly the VW 10 90 proof is a solid example of Kentucky achievement in whiskey-making, and no doubt those medicos in old America who saw whiskey as generally a boon to their work would have greatly respected it, but for me here in 2013 it was just so-so. Of course we have a luxury of choice today. It does bring to my mind that generally speaking one should "drink up, drink up", as the before-his-time American wine and spirits writer The Rev. E. Frank Henriques used to say. This cleric/gastronome was active in the 1970's and published under the Signet imprint. Mike in Conyers (in particular) would enjoy his work and to be sure the pastor had some interesting and amusing things to say about our favourite drink, bourbon.

Here is how to find his fine book on spirits:

http://www.amazon.com/Signet-Encycloped ... 0451085701

(Although the title of the book as stated here suggests it is only about whiskey, in fact it is a discussion of all spirits and the full title is The Signet Encyclopedia of Whiskey, Brandy and All Other Spirits. The reviewer at the bottom of the page gives some choice quotes from the book and these are just a few of the many bon mots in that tome, which in its essentials is hardly dated).


N.B. The "drink up, drink up" catch phrase was generally used by the good pastor in relation to wines at or over their peak. (He had authored a separate guide to wine). E. Frank Henriques was an Episcopal priest and ministered in northern California from the mid-70's for at least 10 years. He had earlier been a priest in the Franciscan order. After retirement he took on significant part-time duties with various Episcopal congregations until his passing some time in the early 2000's I understand.
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